Our community partners are proud sponsors of qualifying schools and organizations in need of support for athletic league fees, jerseys, and equipment. Please patronize our sponsors and mention your AthLEAD Advantage recommendation by clicking on their logo below.



How to become an Entrepreneur with Mykel the Entrepreneur

How to become an Entrepreneur can sometimes be a hard question to answer. But have no fear in this video I am sitting down with my good friend Aldo Chavez where he is going to share his blueprint on how he went from working a 9 to 5 to starting his business. Through this conversation you are going to get direct insight to his mentality and how that ultimately Lead to him starting his own business ATHlead Advantage. We would like to personally thank Mykel the Entrepreneur for his love and support in our mission.


Coffee & Chat with Rev Bruce

We had an opportunity to speak about ATHlead Advantage with Rev. Bruce on Coffee Chat, a youtube channel promoting up and coming organizations in the San Diego Area. We would like to personally thank Rev. Bruce for his love and support in our mission.